Git Integration

Collaboration in Bruno

Bruno’s superpower is the ability to collaborate natively using version control systems like Git ↗ (opens in a new tab), CVS ↗ (opens in a new tab), etc, and platforms like GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc. This gives you and your teammates confidence that a collection is current as it can live directly next to the application code.

The process of collaborating on a Bruno collection is more or less the same in all of the above-mentioned platforms. For beginners, you can take a look at this tutorial on version control here ↗ (opens in a new tab).

There are two ways to collaborate via native Git in Bruno:

  1. Using the terminal or command line to execute Git commands
  2. Using the Bruno's GUI-based Git functionality.

GUI-based Git functionality is available within Golden and Ultimate Editions of Bruno.

These approaches are documented separately for ease of access. So let's dive into the next section.